viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019


T o ensure health and balance, promise yourself:
To ensure health and balance, promise
1 - To stand under God’s designs every day through
prayer, and to maintain a clear conscience, preserving
yourself against ideas of guilt.
2 - Give the best of yourself in all that you do.
3 - Keep heart and mind, attitude and word, acts
and manners in the constant inspiration of the good.
4 - Serve others disinterestedly as much as your
strength allows.
5 - Rejoice in the happiness of others.
6 - Forget negative conversations and opinions that
you have read or heard.
7 - Add at least a little more joy and hope to every
person with whom you are in contact.
8 - Admire the noble qualities of those with whom
you live, encouraging them to develop them.
9 - Forget reasons of complaint, whatever they
may be.
10 - Live working and studying, acting and
constructing in your inner refinement and in the inner
correction in such a way that you are able not to find
the probable failures and the possible errors of others.There are ten red signs on the path of experience
indicating a likely fall in obsession*:
- when we enter the range of impatience;
- when we believe that our pain is the greatest;
- when we come to see ingratitude in our
- when we see evil in the attitudes of the
- when we comment on the less happy side of
this or that person;
- when we demand appreciation and
- when we assume that our work is excessive;
- when we spend the day demanding effort
without engaging in the slightest bit of service;
- when we intend to escape from ourselves
through the a drop of alcohol or the a pinch of
- when we judge that duty is others only.
Whenever one of these signs comes to pass in
the transit of our ideas, the Divine Law is present,
advising us on the prudence of stopping in the aid
of prayer or in the light of discernment.
* Obsession is any persistent negative influence of one mind
over another. It may also be called Spirit attachment.
Read more in chapter 23 of The Mediums’ Book by
Allan Kardec.
Source: Book Ideal Espirita by Several Spirits through Chico
Xavier and Waldo Vieira, chapter 27, published by CEC..
The Spiritist
The Spiritist 11
My good friends and faithful believers,
I wanted to come among you to
encourage you in the path that you
follow so firmly regarding the Spiritist issue. Your
zeal is appreciated in the world of the Spirits.
Press on, but be cautious for the obstacles will still
hinder you for some time. Detractors will always
be around, as it happened to me. A century ago, I
preached the spiritual ideas and I had enemies of
all sorts; but I also had fervent adherents, and this
sustained my courage.
My spiritual principles and my doctrine are not
exempt from great mistakes, which I now recognize.
Thus, eternal punishment does not exist. I see that God
is very just and very good to punish eternally the creature
that does not have enough strength to resist passions.
What I also said about the world of angels, which is
what I preached in the temples, was only an illusion of
my senses; I thought I saw it and I acted in good faith,
but I was wrong.
You are in a better pathway because you are more
enlightened than we were in my time. But be careful,
so that your enemies do not have very strong weapons
against you. Courage, then, because the future is
guaranteed to you. What gives you strength is the fact that
you speak in the name of reason. Do you have questions
to address to me? I will answer them.
1. It was in 1745, in London, that you had the
first revelation. At that time you were already theological
“I was busy with this, but I did no absolutely want this
revelation: it came to me spontaneously.
2. What was the Spirit that appeared to you, saying
to be God? Was it really God?
“No. I believed what the Spirit said because he felt
like superhuman to me. I was flattered.
3. Why did he take the name of God?
“To be better obeyed.”
4. Can God manifest himself directly to men?
“Surely, He could, but He does not.”
5. Can God manifest himself directly to men?
“Surely He could, but He no longer does it.”
6. Then there was a time when he would have
“Yes, in the earliest ages of the earth.”
7. That Spirit made you write things that today are
recognized as erroneous. Did he do it with good or bad
“He did not do it with evil intent; he himself was
deceived, because he was not sufficiently enlightened.
Now I realize that the illusions of my own Spirit and my
intelligence influenced him, badly. However, in between
some of the system errors, it is easy to recognize great truths.”
8. The principle of your doctrine rests on the matches.
Do you still believe in these relationships between every
thing of the material world, and every thing of the moral
“Not; it’s fiction.”
9. What do you mean by these words: “God is
Himself man?”
“God is not human, but humanity is the image of God.”
10. Could you elaborate a little more?
“I say that human beings are the image of God because
intelligence, the genius sometimes receives from heaven
an emanation of Divine Omnipotence. He represents God
on earth by the power that it exerts in the whole Nature
and by the great virtues which is in your power to acquire.”
11. Should we consider huamnity a part of God?
“No, humanity is not a part of the God. It is just His
12. Could you tell us how you received the
communications of Spirits? Did you write what was revealed
to you as a medium or by inspiration?
“When I was silent and in recollection, my spirit was
astonished, and I clearly saw an image before me. He spoke
and dictated what I should write; sometimes my imagination
mingled with it.”
13. What should we think of the fact narrated by
the knight Beylon, concerning the revelation you made to
Queen Luisa Ulrica?
“That revelation is true. Beylon denatured it.”
14. What is your opinion about the Spiritist Doctrine,
as is it today?
“I told you that you are on a more sure path than that
of mine, given that your lights are in general broader than
mine. I had to fight against greater ignorance and,above all,
against superstition.”Fernández Colavida’s
Perseverance in the
Dissemination of
Spiritism in

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